Trigon Snacks is based in Aintree Liverpool and is one of the top own branded snacking and wholefoods, nuts and snack manufacturers in the UK. Trigon’s factory has been roasting and packing nuts continuously since the 1970s and needed a full food factory cleaning service.
As part of their BRC & AIB audit inspection and their continuous improvement programme the client needed to ensure that the entire food factory cleaning all high-level cleaning had been undertaken, at their Liverpool food factory. It was essential that they employed the services of an accredited and trusted cleaning company to ensure that the high level cleaning was undertaken to exacting specifications to comply with the food hygiene standards.
APT were invited to Trigon Snacks, Liverpool to find a solution for the cleaning at their food factory. The food factory cleaning project required us to remove heavy build-up of hardened oil, dirt and grime that had formed over time on the high-level surfaces throughout the food factory and key production areas. The high-level areas were difficult to access and inaccessible to their internal cleaning operators.
A recent internal audit identified the potential risk of cross contamination to some of the processing areas within the food factory that needed both low level and high level cleaning. The auditors provided a checklist and programme of improvement. They suggested that Trigon contact several food factory cleaning companies operating in the Liverpool area to undertake the deep and high level cleaning.
Many other companies declined the quote due to the nature of the food factory cleaning, the complexities, and access difficulties.It was paramount that the disruption to production was kept as minimal as possible to avoid damaging the food production and staff working schedules when completing the food factory cleaning process across the production facilities.
Established in 1990, we are well known in the industry for our expertise in cleaning food factories and we have worked with some of the largest organisations throughout the UK. Not only do we offer regular and periodic cleans, but we also prepare organisations for inspections to ensure certification runs smoothly and swiftly. Cleaning food production facilities using high quality chemicals is paramount to ensure high standards throughout the food manufacturing facility.
APT completed a full survey of the factory to include its production areas. We recommended cost-effective food factory cleaning options for their food factory cleaning equipment, high-level cleaning, and other heavily soiled surfaces of factory production machinery within the Liverpool plant. A Health and Safety plan along with a suitable work schedule was agreed.
APT will only use accredited British Standards cleaning chemicals that are specifically engineered for the food factory industry; the products are food safe, environmentally friendly and can be used on a multitude of surfaces without causing damage.
We suggested UltraMax 2020 is a specialised food-safe, heavy duty degreaser used to clean and degrease all high-level surfaces, under roof ceiling panels, all steel work, extractor, pipe work, cabling and ducting within the factory. We implemented Metasoak, an effective degreaser and carb cleaner to remove the heavy build-up of black carbon deposits and burnt on hard oils in the hot oil frying equipment.
Trigon requested that we work in conjunction with their internal hygiene team to support their regular maintenance food factory cleaning programme. Whilst on site we trained them in the best practice to use food industry cleaning products such as:UltraMax 2020.
When we were on site, we assisted and carried out an assessment of the current food factory cleaning supplies, methods and products used. We provided the client several improvement options to cut costs and reduce labour intensive cleaning, whilst raising the hygiene standards drastically.
The current entire deep cleaning of the heavy oil frying and extraction equipment included the use of heavy caustic chemicals which produced unsatisfactory results. After liaising with the plant engineers and operatives, we were able to introduce and have approved an alternative, safe aluminium cleaner,Metasoakwhich is used to degrease and decarbonise both the steel and aluminium metal surfaces and alsoFood Lubewhich is a lubricant spray that reduces wear in machinery.
We offered further improvements to the Liverpool food factory cleaning methods along with adaptations to some of the equipment and improvements to the factory floor cleaning. Trigon benefit now from demountable panels that could be cleaned automatically.
A further proposal was provided, along with a cleaning schedule and a checklist; the purpose of this was to enable the company to carry out manual, low pressure, heavy steam cleaning of intricate surface areas. This method would further reduce safety risks to operatives and provide a more effective, efficient deep clean which would result in large savings for both labour and food industry cleaning products.
The list of improvements, application and equipment adaptions were all passed to the technical and hygiene officer for approval and implementation. Several other smaller key proposals were made and are part of an ongoing factory cleaning improvement programme.
“I was very impressed at the level of knowledge and expertise of our production processes and their interest and proposals offered to improve cleaning standards throughout the production areas. This I found was very unique, they did not just turn up and carry out the cleaning and leave. We found this information invaluable for improving our internal cleaning programme.
The APT team approached the difficult cleaning tasks with great professionalism, and they kept my operational staff and I updated throughout the project. Their operatives had no issue in working and assisting my hygiene team and offered them help and training to use both chemicals and materials. They were extremely helpful and assisted with several improvement measures which we will now be implementing going forward.
The plant managers and I are very confident that APT will be of great help to us in all future projects and we will be recommending them to carry out regular and ongoing deep cleaning of our plant.Thank you again APT.”
Mercy Matewa –Technical Services and Hygiene Plant Manager,Trigon Snacks Ltd
If you’re looking for food factory cleaning near me in Liverpool or you need more information on our range of cleaning services and factory cleaning supplies, feel free to reach out to us. Our case studies hub is a great example of further projects we have completed for similar clients in the food and beverage industry.